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There was a freshness to the day that wasn’t there a week ago. Today was the

day that Will was going to do it, he was going to pass his practical training

course. Immersed with feelings of determination and mild nausea, Will zipped

up his space suit and stepped out onto the fields. However, with every step

that he had taken, the task ahead appeared more and more daunting. His

fellow peers were already there, warming up and incredibly confident.

‘Let’s face it,’ Will thought, ‘they’re probably more prepared than me anyway.’

As Will passed his competition, he tried to mask his unease as he heard the

snickers and laughs lingering behind him. He dropped his gear down and

flattened his space suit, heart pounding with adrenaline for the tasks he had

yet to conduct.

“Hey loser, ready to fail?” the cackling laughter from Bobby Lawson, disrupted

his thoughts. Bobby Lawson, was the most egotistical, high-achiever that Will

had ever met. Clearly Bobby had no idea that Will may actually win this. He

may be able to fulfil his goals of being astronaut, he will prove them all, he

was going to prove Bobby and his posse wrong.

“Alright everyone, assemble into a line, everyone will be required to conduct

these tasks individually,” Captain Mark’s voice boomed. All attempts of

appearing composed had diminished, Will’s body rushed with a strong sense

of fear, it was actually going to happen. Mustering up whatever courage and

hope he had left, Will made his way towards the line. It was no surprise to Will

to see Bobby proudly position himself at the front of the line, gloating about

how well prepared he was and how he was going to be the best.

Trying his hardest to block out his surroundings, Will took a deep breath in

and closed his eyes, clearing his thoughts and eradicating whatever fear

remained. First task, the agility test. Usually this task would not be so bad, but

Bobby and his friends always topped this one.

“Bobby you’re up first” Captain Mark announced, indicating to the obstacles


“Yeah Bobby” his posse cheered loudly whilst he smirked cockily, hardly

affected by the challenges to come.

Bobby darted around the track, almost inhumanly fast. Will knew that Bobby

was only that fast because of his special moon-boot inserts. Moon-boot inserts,