No. 6.-GIN.
To 20 gallons pure spirits (10 o. p.) add:-
2 drachms oil of juniper,
I drachm pure oil of turpentine, and
20 drops oil of caraway, all cut in 1
quart strong alcohol.
ounce citric acid, dissolved.
pints simple sirup.
Mix thoroughly, and let it stand two days.
No. 7.-GIN.
To 20 gallons pure spirits (10 o. p.) add:-
1 gallon pure gin. Then take
1 pound juniper-berries.
ounce acetic acid.
1 drachm oil of caraway.
Digest for ten days in 1 gallon strong alco·
hol. Filter, and add to the pure spirits and
gin, with 1 pint of sirup. Mix well, and let it
stand two days.