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Magnus force on vortex in superfluids without Galilean invariance:

BEC in optical lattice

Sonin, E.B.

Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram,

Jerusalem 91904, Israel

Broken Galilean invariance suppresses the transverse Magnus force on a vortex as

demonstrated by well-known examples of superfluids without Galilean invariance:

the Josephson-junction array and impure superconductors. Another example of

a superfluid without Galilean invariance is BEC in optical lattices, where up

to now vortex dynamics is in early stages of investigation and usually uses the

Bose-Hubbard model. This report addresses the general case of a superfluid in a

periodic potential based on the Bloch band theory and the momentum balance.

The continuous approximation restores translational invariance broken by the

periodic potential, but the theory is not Galilean invariant. Noether’s theorem

provides the conservation law for quasimomentum, while the balance for true

momentum is derived from the equations of motion. The calculations of the

transverse forces on the vortex, the Magnus and the Lorentz forces, require in

general the analysis of the balance of true momentum. While the developed theory

yields the same Lorentz force, which was known before, a new expression for the

Magnus force was obtained. The theory demonstrates how a small Magnus force

emerges if the particle-hole symmetry is broken. The theory was applied to the

Bose-Hubbard model close to the phase transition “superfluid-Mott insulator”.

There is an area in the phase diagram, where the Magnus force has an inverse

sign with respect to that expected from the sign of velocity circulation. The

present theory predicts the Magnus force much weaker than obtained in previous

estimations, which did not check momentum balance.


Vortex reconnections and rebounds in trapped Bose Einstein


L. Galantucci(1), S. Serafini(2), F. Dalfovo(2), G. Lamporesi(2), G. Ferrari(2), C.

F. Barenghi(1)

(1) Joint Quantum Centre and School of Mathematics and Statistics, Newcastle


(2) INO-CNR BEC Center and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita‘ di Trento

We perform a numerical study of two-vortex interactions in trapped elongated

Bose-Einstein condensates in the T=0 limit. We observe different vortex

interactions regimes depending on the vortex orientations and their relative

velocity: unperturbed orbiting, bounce dynamics, single and double reconnection

events. The key ingredients driving the dynamics are the anti-parallel preferred

alignment of the vortices and the impact of density gradients. The results are

confirmed by ongoing experiments in Trento performed employing a real-time

imaging technique [1].

[1] Serafini et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 170402 (2015)