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VOL. 70 NO. 6








Legal Training which will commence in 1978. Mr.

O'Leary, who is a practising Barrister, and previously

had practised for a number of years as a Solicitor,

established the Legal Workshop at the Australian

National University which is seen as a fore-runner in

the field of Legal Professional training. The course is

a whole-time course which trains both prospective

Solicitors and Barristers and is operated by a small

full-time teaching staff supported by a large number

of "consultants" who are members of the Legal Pro-

fesson and assist in the programme on a part-time

basis. The consultants comprise Judges, members of

the Bar, Solicitors, Civil Servants and members of

other professions who are asked to assist in the course

for not more than a few days each year.






School will hopefully operate on somewhat similar

lines and during his meetings with the Education

Advisory Committee, members of the Education Com-

mittee and Officers of the Society Mr. O'Leary has

been able to offer much useful advice and assistance

to us.

Mr. O'Leary is the current President of the Law

Council of Australia and in that capacity has recently

represented Australian Lawyers at the American Bar

Association Bicentennial Conference in Atlanta and

at the International Bar Association Conference in


Mr. O'Leary meets members of the

Education Advisory Committee

Back Row, from left, Messrs. Rory O'Donnell, Brian Overend,

Laurence Shields and Joseph Dundon. Front Row, from left,

Messrs. Harry Sexton, Kevin O'Leary, John Buckley (Chair-

man) and Maurice Curran.

The Director of the Legal Workshop at the Aus-

tralian National University in Canberra Mr. Kevin

F. O'Leary visited Dublin at the end of August at the

invitation of the Society to discuss and advise on


The 9th International Conference of the Lawyers

Section of Pax Romana was held in Dublin from 29th

August to 3rd September, 1976. Pax Romana is a

Catholic Association of University graduates and pro-

fessionals to represent the intellectual elite of the

Catholic religion; practically every profession has a

branch of its own, and the International Lawyers

Section purports to represent Catholic lawyers

throughout the world. At its previous International

Conferences, it has dealt with various themes such as

The Family and the Legal Order, Paris, 1953, and the

useful subject of Respect for Humanity in the

Application of the Criminal Law, Rome, 1956. Further

topics discussed were Law and International Peace,

Luxembourg, 1959, Law and the Social Order, Bo c hum/

Ruhr, 1962, and Freedom of Religion in Salamanca,

1965. A strong Irish delegation, which included Mr.

and Mrs. P. C. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce St. J.

Blake, went to Salamanca in 1965. Conferences have

also been held in Dakar, 1968, Fribourg, 1971 and

Detroit, 1974, before proceeding to Dublin in 1976

About 70% of the participants were French.

The Conference started on Sunday, 29th August,

1976, with a Latin Mass in the Pro-Cathedral under

the Presidency of His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Ali-

brandi, Nuncio Apostolic and the President, Maitre

Pettiti delivered his Inaugural Address in the after-

noon in the Mater Dei Institute on "The Lawyers, the

Church and the Rights of Man. The two themes of

the Dublin Conference were Family Law and the

Fourth World — the problem of the poor who for

some physical or mental reason are unable to support

themselves, or who do not come within the scheme

of State Aid. Lectures and discussions were held in

Belfield and the General Family Report was presented

by Mr. James O'Reilly while the Irish Family Report

was presented by Mr. Gavan Duffy and the Irish

Report on the Fourth World by Sister Stanislaus.

Delegates had an opportunity to visit the State

Apartments, as well as the antiquities of Kells, Melli-

font, Monasterboyce and Glendalough. They were

most grateful to the Attorney General for providing a

splendid reception in Iveagh House, as well as to His

Grace, the Archbishop, when they were received by

Dr. O'Mahony in Clonliffe College, to Mr. Moore for

receiving them in the Law Society and to Monsignor

Fee for their kind reception in Maynooth.

Amongst the distinguished participants were Maitre

Louis Pettiti (Paris), President, Maitre Lombard,

Deputy Mayor of Marseilles. Professor


troni (Florence), Mr. M. Penty, Solicitor (Isleworth,

near London), Professor Verdier, President of Nanterre

University, Professor Wagner



Maitre Visée (Belgium), Maitre Wittgen (Luxembourg),

Maitre Jacob (Paris), Father Ngundi (Zaire) and Pro-

fessor Wilpert (Cologne).