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and Mr. O'Neill said he understood that Mr. Bates

was now in Court although the order of attachment

had not in fact been executed.

Mr. Bates was then sworn and agreed he had gone

to the Irish Trust Bank premises that morning and

removed certain documents and papers. These were

his own and he did not need an authority to remove


He said there was a room which was leased by the

Irish Trust Bank to a company of his. The papers,

which were unconnected with the Irish Trust Bank,

were in that room. He had not been a director of

the Irish Trust Bank since 1972 nor had he partici-

pated in the day to day running of it. He worked in

the room mentioned, for which he had no bank

papers or documents. The Irish Trust Bank was per-

mitted to use the room for board meetings.

Difficulty in securing personal papers

Mr. Bates said he had made a number of efforts to

have these personal papers returned to him and he

said that Mr. Shortall at first agreed and then changed

his mind. He had gone to the premises, to an office

which was not part of the bank, to collect his docu-

ments. He also had some personal effects over which

it could possibly be said the bank had a lien and he

was very careful to leave them.

Asked by Mr. O'Neill what he had done with the

papers removed, he said he had taken them away and

put them in another premises in Dublin. Asked where,

he said on the quays.

He said it was a matter for the Court to determine

whether the papers belonged to him or to the Irish

Trust Bank. Mr. Bates said it would take about 20

minutes to go and collect them and he told Mr.






Osborne King &Megran

Dublin 760251 Cork 21371

Galway 65261

also at Belfast and London

Justice Hamilton he had no objection to being accom-

panied by a Garda.

Later he produced two sacks, a file and a box which,

he said, were the papers he had removed from the

premises that morning. He had taken them to the

Crofton Hotel to sort them and had then taken them

back to the place on the quays which was Ferry

Travel. In sorting them out he had discovered that

there was one file containing documents belonging to

the Irish Trust Bank which must have been placed

among his papers by a member of Mr. Shortall's staff.

Apology and undertaking not to re-enter

Mr. Bates apologised to the Court and gave an

undertaking that he would not re-enter the premises

without authority.

Mr. Justice Hamilton said he thought that in the

circumstances the proper procedure would be to

retain the documents in the custody of the Court

until the appeal had been disposed of. They would

then be handed over to the liquidator and Mr. Bates

could make any application that he wished to the

Court for any documents that he considered personal

to himself or had no connection with the Irish Trust


He rescinded the order of attachment.

(Continued on page 58)




Amsterdam, 16-27 August, 1976

A General Course and a Specialised "follow-up"

Course, for previous participants, in the Legal Aspects

of European Integration will be held in the Europa

Institute of the University of Amsterdam, 508 Heren-

gracht, Amsterdam, from 16th-27th August, 1976.

The General Course will comprise lectures on the

institutional framework, the judicial remedies and

the substantive Community Law, delivered by Drs.







Specialised "follow-up" Course will concentrate on 3

fields of Community Law — its judicial remedies, anti-

trust/competition law and Company Law, right of

establishment, and the lecturers will be


Schermers, Winter, Baardman, Schrans and van


Both courses will be in English and the tuition fee

is Df. 1,750 (approx. £150). Participants are expected to

arrange their own accommodation. Application forms

and further details from: The Registrar of the Inter-

national Summer Courses in Legal Aspects of Euro-

pean Integration, Netherlands Universities Foundation

for International Co-operation (NUFFIC), 27 Molen-

straat, The Hague 2003, Netherlands, and should be

returned before 1st July, 1976.


At the Annual General Meeting of the Solicitors

Benevolent Association held on 24th March, 1976, it

was resolved that the Annual Subscription be in-

creased to £5.00 and the amount of the Life Subscrip-

tion to £20.00.