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the Current Account, Financial Stability and

Economic Structure;

c. Sustainable Economic Development in Small

Island States: Does Population Density Matter?;

d. The Social Dimensions of Growth;

e. Revisiting the Role of Marketing Boards in

Responding to a Modern Agricultural Sector:

Case Studies of Grenada and Saint Lucia;

f. Can the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Better

Influence Fiscal Policy in its Member States?;

g. Establishment of a Conceptual Framework for

Fiscal Rules: A Case for the ECCU;

h. The Governance Framework of Citizens by

Investment (CBI) Flows;

i. Offshore Manufacturing Services;

j. Financial Stability and Growth in the Eastern

Caribbean Currency Union;

k. Credit and the ECCU Macroeconomic


l. Construction and Economic Growth – Is the

Current Model Sustainable?;

m. Macro Prudential Policy in a Currency Board;

n. Developing a Banking Stability Index for the


o. St Kitts and Nevis Housing and Real Estate Price


p. Harnessing the Benefits of Foreign Direct

Investment (FDI) Through Linkages;

q. Brexit: What Brexit Means for the Eastern

Caribbean; and

r. The New Age of Education: The Role of

Information Technology in the ECCU.

The Bank published two volumes of the

ECCB Working

Paper Series

on its website. The first volume features

a research paper titled: “Towards a Policy on Foreign

Direct Investment Within the Context of the OECS

Economic Union.” The paper was presented at the 35


Central Bank of Barbados Review Seminar. The second

volume contains two working papers: (i)

Risk and

Capital Adequacy: A Preliminary Examination of ECCU

Commercial Banks

; and (ii)

Sovereign Wealth Funds:

A Model for Citizenship by Investment in the ECCU


The former was initially delivered at the 47



Monetary Studies Conference held by the Caribbean

Centre for Money and Finance (CCMF).

The Bank participated in the 48


Annual Monetary

Studies Conference hosted by the Central Bank of

Bahamas, in collaboration with the CCMF. The paper


The Determinants of Credit-less Recoveries in

the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union

was presented

at the conference. The paper attempts to broaden

understanding of credit-less recoveries in the ECCU

by identifying the conditions under which they occur

and differentiating them from normal recoveries.

Recommendations are also proffered to policymakers

on how they should respond to such incidences. In

addition, the Bank partnered with the IMF on the topic:

Non-Performing Loans in the ECCU: Determinants and

Macroeconomic Impact,

an articlewhichwas published

subsequently as an IMF Working Paper in November

2016. The paper assesses the determinants of non-

performing loans, while identifying whether asset

quality deterioration may cause negative feedback

effects from the banking sector to economic activity.

In memory of the late Garfield T Riley, who was an

exemplary employee in the Research Department, the

Bank launched a compilation of papers and briefs he

produced during his tenure at the Bank, and renamed

its weekly Seminar Series as the “Garfield T Riley

Seminar Series” on 2 December 2016. The Seminar

Series provides an avenue for discussion on research