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mg every worthy male adult in this country should be

permitted to have at least one eggnog.

A cold weather brother to the eggnog is the old-time

Tom and Jerry. In Down Yonderland, where I came from,

the succulent Tom and Jerry reached its delectable fruitage

with the first snowfall of the year, and not a minute sooner.

This was ritualistic and ordained and quite as it should

have been. I look forward to every Fall when I may wel–

come its lordly return. In those ancient days it usually was

served piping hot, whereas invariably the eggnog came

to your lips in a chilled state. On a night when the drifts

sifted down across the roof shingles and the banshee voice

of the wintry wind shrilled in the chimney top and the frost

etched its elfin pictures on the window pane, then the Tom

and Jerry attained the very flower of its perfection. Then

the first sip laved your throat with a velvety touch; then the

next soothing swallow fanned your middle system to a

gentle simmer, and when you had emptied your tumbler

and stepped forth, robust and unafraid, . into the storm

you could feel the afterglow of that beneficial compound


searching you all over.

However, as one having experience in these details, I

would..recommend that, no matter how great the temptation,

the customer take only a single Tom and Jerry, or at most

two. After the second there is in one man an impulse to