Toreworè
the
first
édition
of
Beverages
de
Luxe,
is
intended
Oas
â
guide
to
connoisseurs,
and
those
who
serve
them,
and
the
editors
fondly
hope
that
it
fills
this
purpose.
Despite
a
spirit
of
fanaficism
that
periodically
passes
over
the
land,
there
is
no
denymg
that
fine
beverages
are
among
the
things
that
make
life
brighter,
happier
and
worth
while.
knowledge
as
to
the
best
of
them,
their
sélection,
their
care
and
their
serving,
is,
therefore,
not
amiss.
The
articles
herewith
presented
on
topics
in
connection
with
fine
beverages,
have
been
prepared
by
specialists
and
are
worthy
of
préservation,
as
are
the
entire
contents
of
this
book,
which
will
be
found
handy
for
référence
in
the
club,
the
hôtel,
and
the
high
class
cafe,
and
by
those
who
enjoy
the
luxuries
of
those
places.