quickly.
As
a
gênerai
ru
le,
ail
Champagne»
are
served
too
coid
in
the
United
States.
Rhine
wines,
Moselle,
Sauternes
and
White
Burgundies
sliould
be
served
at
a
température
of
abont
forty
degrees.
The
quality
of
the
wines,
however,
sliould
be
taken
into
considération
when
being
chilled.
Light-bodied
wines,
as
a
rule,
have
a
good
deai
of
acid,
which,
through
having
the
wine
too
cold,
becomes
very
pronounced.
Clarets
and
Bur-
gundies
sliould
be
well
rested
before
attempting
to
serve
theni
and
sliould
be
carefully
decanted.
Ail
improving
wines
continue
to
precipitate
their
tartar,
tannin,
etc.,
forming
a
crust
on
the
lower
side
of
the
bottle,
which,
when
mixed
up
with
the
wine,
renders
it
bitter
and
unwholesome.
Clarets
should
be
served
at
température
of
room
in
which
meal
is
served.
Burgundy,
the
richest
of
ail
natural
wines,
should
be
served
at
degrees.
In
the
serving
of
beverages
with
a
dinner,
do
not
altogether
ap-
prove
of
the
largely
prevailing
habits.
By
saying
this
especial-
ly
refer
to
appetizers.
Dry
Sherries,
Vermouths
and
Bitters
are
unquestionably
the
best
appetite
producers.
With
Sea
Food,
serve
either
Moselle,
Rhine
Wine
or
White
Burgundy.
With
soup,
Dry
Sherry
or
Madeira.
With
entrée,
a
light,
but
sound,
Claret.
With
roast,
Burgundy
or
Château
Claret.
With
game,
Vintage
Champagne.
With
pastry
or
cheese,
Fruity
Sherry,
Madeira
or
Port.
With
Demi
Tasse,
Cognac,
Liquer
or
the
celebrated
after-
dinner
drink,
"The
Blackstone
Comfort."