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Discretion ofDistrictJustice to refuse to admit a statement.

The Supreme Court has held that a District Justice

has discretion to refuse to admit a statement, even

though it was made voluntarily, if it had been taken

in breach of the Judge's Rules.

The matter came before the Court in an appeal by

Patrick Leavy, Santry, Dublin, from a High Court

judgment on a question submitted for its opinion by

District Justice Molony of the Dublin Metropolitan


The District Justice had stated that during the

hearing of a complaint against Mr. Leavy of having

driven a taxi in a dangerous manner at Malahide

Road, Dublin, on December 24th, 1957- Garda

J. McCarrick gave evidence that he had asked

Mr. Leavy if he were the owner of the car, and

who had been driving it when it struck a man on

December 24th, 1957, and Counsel for Mr. Leavy

objected on the ground that the garda had a duty

to caution Mr. Leavy before putting the question.

The District Justice allowed the solicitor for the

prosecution to examine the garda as to whether at the

time he put the question he had made up his mind to

prosecute Mr. Leavy. The garda said he had not, as

he did not know against whom a prosecution would

be taken until he learned who had driven the car on

the occasion.

The District Justice further stated that having

heard submissions on the proposition that the answer

the garda attempted to obtain would not be a

voluntary statement, decided that the evidence was


He accordingly dismissed the summons and he

asked if he had been correct in that decision. The

High Court held that the evidence was admissible

and from that decision Mr. Leavy appealed.

The Supreme Court—the Chief Justice, Mr.

Justice Kingsmill Moore, and Mr. Justice Walsh—

said that the District Justice had discretion to refuse

to admit a statement even though it had been made

voluntarily if it had been taken in breach of the

Judge's Rules.

The District Justice had been wrong in law in

holding that Mr. Leavy's answer to the garda—

whether he had been driving the car—was not a

voluntary statement. The case would go back to the

District Justice and it would be open to him to

receive or refuse the evidence.

(Irish Independent,

7th June, 1962.)


Register A.


Private practice Northern Nigeria

Salary to £1,500. Free car, furnished accommodation. Early

partnership prospects. Home leave j months after 21 months

our. Particulars—Secretary, Incorporated Law Society.

SOLICITOR'S ASSISTANT, male of female, urgently required


Dublin solicitors' office. State salary required and experience

if any.

Box A. 195.



Register B.

CONVEYANCING CLERK (24) with approximately two years,

experience with London firm requires position as Conveyancing

and Probate Clerk in Dublin. Please state salary offered.

Box B. 266.

Register C.



(1912 Edition),

English and Empire Digest

(1924 Edition),


1940/46. Apply Box C. 169.


OFFERED by Student for copy of "Principles of Equity"

by T. O'Neill-Kiely or for extended loan of same. Box C. 170.






Applications have been received from the regis

tered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed

hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title in

substitution for the original Certificates issued in

respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule,

which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been

lost or inadvertently destroyed.

A new Certificate will be issued in each case

except a case in respect of which notification is

received in this Registry within 28 days from the

publication of this notice, that the Certificate of

Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some

person other than the registered owner. Any such

notification should state the grounds on which such

Certificate is being held.

Dated the i7th day of August, 1962.


Registrar of Titles.

Central Office,

Land Registry,

Chancery Street,



1. Registered Owner, John Whelan.


number 4861 (Revised).

County Leix (Queens).

Lands of Raheenahoran in the Barony of Mary

borough East containing 37a. 3r. 35p.

2. Registered Owner, Ellen Carver. Folio number

3208. County Cork. Lands of Kanturk in the Barony

of Duhallow containing 133. 2r. 2ip.

3. Registered Owners, The Irish Land Com

mission. Folio numbers 12346 and 9147. County

Tipperary. Lands of Castlecranna in the Barony of

Owney and Arra containing io4a. or 9p. and '133.

3r. 27p. respectively.



4. Registered Owner William Nicholls.


number 388 County Leitrim. Lands of Rassaun in

the Barony of Carrigallea containing 303. or op.

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