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The Council invite applications for the

position of Special Examiner at the Society's

First and Third Law Examinations in the

following subjects, Tort, Contract, Criminal

Law and Practice and Commercial Law.

Particulars of the appointment may be

obtained from the Secretary, Solicitors Build

ings, Four Courts, Dublin 7.



December I3th, 1962: Mr. Overend and later the

President, Mr. Lanigan in the chair and also present

Messrs. Desmond J. Collins, Niall S. Gaffney,

George A. Nolan, John J. Nash, Desmond Moran,

Gerard M. Doyle, Edward Dillon, James R. C.

Green, Charles Hyland, Peter D. M. Prentice,

Timothy J. C. O'Keeffe, Ralph J. Walker, John C.

O'Carroll, Brendan A. McGrath, Augustus Cullen,

William A. Osborne, John Maher, John B. Jermyn,

Robert McD. Taylor, Eunan McCarron, Richard

Knight, Raymond A. French, Peter E. O'Connell,

John Carrigan, James W. O'Donovan, Patrick

Noonan, T. V. O'Connor, Dinnen B. Gilmore,

Reginald J. Nolan, Thomas J. Fitzpatrick, Daniel

J. O'Connor.

The meeting passed in silence a vote of sympathy

with the family of the late Mr. Thomas Bolton


formerly librarian to

the Society.


obituary notice appears on page 66.


The following was among the business transacted :

Lectures on the Common Market

The President read a letter from the Chief Justice

on the subject of a proposed seminar for students

on the law of the Common Market. It was decided

to agree to the suggestion of the Chief Justice that

the Society should share the expenses with


Honourable Society of King's Inns.

New Legislation

Companies Bill 1962.

The Council considered the Companies Bill of

1962 and a memorandum prepared by the Secretary.

It was decided to raise with a solicitor member of

the Oireachtas the sections in the Act relating to the

rights of solicitors and the solicitor and client


Local Government (Planning and Development)

Bill, 1962

A memorandum on

the Local Government

(Planning and Development) Bill 1962 was also

considered and it was decided to raise objections to

section 9 and section 80 (7). The sections would

appear to infringe the client's right of privilege in

communications with his solicitor as provisions are

contained therein which oblige a solicitor to furnish

certain information to a Planning Authority.


was agreed that a solicitor may be required to supply

the name and address of a client.

Proposed vacation in the District Court

The Secretary reported on the replies to a circular

sent by the Society to the secretaries of local bar

associations asking for the views of the bar associ

ations on the proposal that no District Courts

should sit in the month of August (outside the

Dublin Metropolitan Area) provided that special

provision were made for criminal custody cases and

urgent applications.

The majority of the replies

received were in favour of the proposal and it was

agreed that the Department of Justice be so informed

Sale of leasehold interest in registered land

where no leasehold folio had been opened.


Members acted for the vendors of leasehold

property which was subject to the Registration of

Title Acts. The title commenced with a lease from

a development company to B dated 3oth December

1959 and registered in the Land Registry.


sublease dated 5th June 1961B assigned the dwelling-

house the subject matter of the sale to the vendors.

The transaction in question was an assignment by

the vendors of their interest in the property to the

purchaser for the sum of £3,500 subject to the annual

rent of


per annum. There is no separate lease

hold folio in the Registry for the lessee's interest

either under the lease of the 3oth December 1959

or the sublease of 5th June 1961.

The latter is

registered as a burden on the original folio. The

registered full owners of the folio are the develop

ment company and the lease from the company to B

is shown on the folio. Neither in the case of the

/ease or in the case of the sublease is there a note

on the folio to the effect that the lessor's title to grant

the lease has been investigated and found good.

The contract contained a clause to the effect that

the purchaser should conclusively assume that B was

entitled to execute the sublease to the vendor and

that he should not make any objection or requisition

as to or enquire into or investigate the earlier or

intermediate title whether the same appeared by

recital in any document or otherwise. Members

enquired as to the proper scale of costs to be charged

in the matter. The Council, on a report from a

committee, stated that as no leasehold folio had

been opened the interest sold was not registered

property within the meaning of the Land Registry

rules and that the ordinary commission scale fee

applicable to the sale of freehold land applied.