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JEREMIAH J. O'CoNNOR, deceased, late of Drinagh, Morris

Mill, Ennistymon, Co. Clare. Died on the igth December,

1962. Will any person knowing the whereabouts of a Will

made by the above deceased communicate with Maurice

O'Sullivan, Solicitor, Listowel, Co. Kerry.

ALEXANDER C. MCCARTHY, deceased. Will any solicitor who

drew or has possession of a will of Alexander C. McCarthy,

late of the Standard Hotel, Harcourt Street, Dublin, who died


the 27th December,

1962, please communicate with

McCann, White & Fitzgerald, Solicitors, 72 St. Stephen's

Green, Dublin.



1891 AND 1942


Applications have been received from the regis

tered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed

hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title in sub

stitution for the original Certificates issued in respect

of the lands specified in the said Schedule, which

original Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or

inadvertently destroyed.

A new Certificate will be issued in each case,

except a case in respect of which notification is

received in this Registry within 28 days from the

publication of this notice, that the Certificate of

Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some

person other than the registered owner. Any such

notification should state the grounds on which such

Certificate is being held.

Dated the ijth day of March, 1963.




Land Registry,

Chancery Street,



Registrar of Titles.


i . Registered Owner, John Buckley. Folio number

37572. County Cork. Lands of Ballinaspig Beg in

trie Barony of Cork containing oa. ir. up.

2. Registered Owner, Denis P. O'Connor. Folio

number I789R. County Limerick. Lands of Kilkinlea

Nos. i and 2 in the Barony of Glenquin containing

52a. 3r. 30p. and la. or. op. respectively.

3. Registered Owner, Patrick Fitzgerald. Folios

number 3009 and 3010. County Cork. Lands of

Ballinbrittig in the Barony of Barrymore containing

28a. 2r. 29p. and 743. ir. 38p. respectively.

4. Registered Owner, Letitia O'Beirne. Folio

number 23210, County Roscommon. Lands of

(i) Shankill, (2 & 3) Cherryfield or Drishaghan in

the Barony of Roscommon containing 133. 2r. 4p.,

6a. 3r. op. and 22 perches respectively.



1. Garda Siochana Act, 1962

2. Pilotage (Amendment) Act, 1962

3. Road Fund (Grants) (Temporary

Provision) Act, 1962

4. Cement (Amendment) Act, 1962

5. Short Titles Act, 1962

6. Central Fund Act, 1962

7. Royal Hospital Kilmainham Act,


8. State Lands

(Workhouses) Act,


9. Coroners Act, 1962

10. Imposition ofDuties (Confirmation

of Orders)



11. Geneva Conventipns Act, 1962

12. Criminal Justice (Legal Aid) Act,


13. Street and House to House Collec

tion Act, 1962

14. Pharmacy Act, 1962

15. Finance Act, 1962

16. Restrictive Trade Practices (Motor

Spirit and Motor Vehicle Lubri

cating Oil)

(Confirmation of

Orders) Act, 1962

17. Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Pro

visions) Act, 1962

18. Courts

(Supplemental Provisions)

(Amendment) Act,


19. Appropriation Act, 1962

20. Restriction of Imports Act, 1962

21. Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1962

22. Army Pensions Act, 1962

23. Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief)

Act, 1962

24. Electricity Supply


Act, 1962

25. State Guarantees (Transport) Act,


26. Local Government Sanitary Ser

vices Act, 1962

27. Housing (Loans and Grants) Act,


28. Vocational Education


ment) Act, 1962

29. Statute Law Revision (Pre-Union

Irish Statutes) Act, 1962

30. Restrictive Trade Practices (Cookers

and Ranges)

(Confirmation of

Order) Act, 1962

31. Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1962

32. Oireachtas (Allowances to Mem

bers) Act, 1962

33. Military Service (Pensions) Increase

Act, 1962

34. Army Pensions (Increase) Act, 1962

3 5. Connaught Rangers (Pensions) Act,


36. MacSwiney



Act, 1962

37. Sugar Manufacture (Amendment)

Act, 1962

38. Exchange Control (Continuance)

Act, 1962

•Signet! by the President

loth January, 1962

2ist February, 1962

27th March, 1962

27th March, 1962

28th March, 1962

28th March, 1962

28th March, 1962

3rd April, 1962

9th April, 1962

I7th April, 1962

I7th April, 1962

13th June, 1962

25th June, 1962

25th June, 1962

25th July, 1962

25th July, 1962

25th July, 1926

3ist July, 1962

ist August, 1662

ist August, 1962

2nd August, 1962

4th August, 1962

8th August, 1962

7th August, 1962

7th August, 1962

8th August, 1962

loth August, 1962

2ist November, 1962

24th November, 1962

nth December, 1962

12th December, 1962

25th December, 1962

25th December, 1962

25th December, 1962

25th December, 1962

25th December, 1962

25th December, 1962

25 th December, 1962