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76. Perusing draft certificate, report,

scheme or like document sub

mitted for approval or examination



o to

by solicitor.


In Appendix W, Part V :


The fee of £i os. od. in the third column of

Table (i) (relating to Probates) shall be

altered to £i 8s. od.


The fee of £2 i8s. od. in the fifth column of

Table (3) (rekting to Letters of Administration

intestate) shall apply where the effects are

sworn at or over £3,000 and under £50,000

and the fee of

£4 145.

od. where the effects

are sworn at or over £50,000.

The amendments do not affect the right of any

party to apply to the Court in exceptional cases under

order 99 rule


(5) in proceedings other than

proceedings for the recovery of a penalty for an

order for payment in addition to the costs as between

.party and party of all or any other costs, charges or

expenses reasonably incurred for the purpose of the

proceedings or the discretion of the Taxing Master

to certify for special allowances on taxation between

solicitor and client under order 99 rule 13 (2).

In substance the effect of the amendments is to

reduce the upper limits in the following items of

Appendix W, part I as follows :

Item 7 :

£10 os. od. reduced to £7 os. od.

Item 8 :

£10 os. od. reduced to £5 os. od.

Item 32 : £12 os. od. reduced to £9 os. od.

Item 52 : £25 os. od. reduced to £20 os. od.

Item 76 : £10 os. od. reduced to £5 os. od.

Items 21 and 24 have been amended by deleting

the reference to out of pocket expenses.

Item 57

has been amended by substituting " travelling

expenses " for " travelling and other expenses ".

In item 23, 20 miles is substituted for 10 miles.

Other amendments of a minor character have been

made in Appendix W, part V, table I (probates).



The attention of members

is drawn



provisions of order 99 rule 14 as to the date of

commencement of the new scale of costs in Appendix

W as amended by the Rules of the Superior Courts

(No. 224 of 1963) mentioned above in this issue.

The Rules of the Superior Courts, 1962, came into

operation on ist January, 1963. Order 99, rule 14

provides that in causes and matters pending at the

time when the rules came into operation the previous

scale of costs should continue to be applied unless

the Court otherwise directs.

The President of the High Court has given a

direction that in ward of Court matters the new

scale of costs shall apply in respect of business


transacted on or after ist January, 1963, and a

similar direction has been given in bankruptcy

matters. These are general directions and no further

individual applications are necessary.

Having regard to the particular character of

administration matters and proceedings for winding

up companies the Council have under consideration

an application to the Court for a similar direction

in regard to these matters.


The following statutory instruments are now


1. District Court (Summary Judgment) Rules,

1963 (S.I. No. 213 of 1963), price 25. 6d.

2. District Court (Hire Purchase) Rules, 1963

(S.I. No. 214 of 1963), price 9d.



Mr. John Kelly, solicitor, practising under the

style of Messrs. Gallery & Kelly, Elphin, Co

Roscommon, and a former member of the Council,

has been appointed a Lay Commissioner of the

Land Commission.



A Government stockbroker carrying on business

in partnership petitioned the High Court to be

appointed a notary public. The petitioner had been

in partnership with a stockbroker who was a notary

public and who kept a shipping protest register for

upwards of fifty years.

It was stated that it was

normal practice for captains of ships after voyages

to the port of Dublin when damage occurred during

the voyage to lodge a detailed protest in the register.

The value of the register was considerable as

commercial and

insurance companies frequently

sought extracts therefrom. The petitioner stated

that he was not aware of any other notary in Dublin

who kept such a register and he maintained that the

register should be kept as formerly and he undertook

to do so if appointed.

The petitioner's application was opposed by the

Faculty of Notaries Public and by the Incorporated

Law Society of Ireland. The opposition being based

not on the character of the applicant but because

the applicant was not a solicitor. The Chief Justice

held that as there was no application for the vacancy

from a solicitor and as the applicant's fitness to be

appointed was certified by six solicitors supported

by banking and shipping interests he should be


Furthermore the association of the

petitioner with deceased partner who maintained

the protest register was a factor to be taken into


Applicant was appointed on the

undertaking that he would not engage in legal

business of any description other than that peculiar

to a notary public.