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Trøstens B o lig

, o r ,

Abode o f Comfort,

founded by A dm iral


to provide p o o r

fam ilies w ith lodging for a trifling rent.

It is

situate in N y b o d e r, and affords cheap and good

lodgings for 2 4 fam ilies.

F o r p oo r fam ilies o f th e

Jewish Community


th ere are several free lodging houses. Am ong them

m ay be m entioned the Institution a t the back o f

the S y nagogue in K ry s ta lg a d e ,

called "


M inde

w hich affords good lodgings for 36 p o or

fam ilies; the F ou ndation "



ficence) in B o rg e rg ad e , N r. 1 8 5 , giving free ac­

comm odation to 30 fam ilies; and a n o th e r charitab le

foundation by M r. E ib eschiitz, in Com pagnistræ de,

N r. 66, affording free lodging to 14 fam ilies.