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house o f The Copenhagen Shooting Club and

Royal Danish Brotherhood


T h is is a d istin ­

guished Society, dating from the m iddle ages w hen

the G uilds w ere introduced into the N orthern

K in g d o m s, and first bore the title of "


Trefoldighedslavg udi det danshe Compagnif

or, "

Holy Trinity Corporation in the Danish

C o m p a n y

in late r tim es it becam e a Shooting

C lu b , th e m em bers of w hich p ractised shooting a t

a targ e t and "sh o o tin g at the p o p injay.”

T he

a n n u al R oy al bird -sh o o tin g takes place in Ju n e or

J u l y , and is usu ally attended by the K ing and

R o yal fam ily , as m em bers of the B rotherhood.

P u blic and p riv ate dinners can be held at this

house, the gard en o f which is throw n open to the

public on several days in the week.

Not far from the C lu b -h o u se , on the sam e

side of the w a y , stands the lo w , sm all house in

w hich

Adam Oehlenschlæger

w as born, the 14th.

rfov. 1779.

A large iron gate leads into the


A llée


planted w ith large and lo fty trees, and on

both sides studded w ith villas o f all sizes and o f

all styles from the A rabesq ue to the G rotesque. On

the left lies the G ard en o f

The Floricu/tural


an d on the rig h t tow ards the end

o f the A llée are the T ea-G ard en s "

