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side is represen ted the flight o f Jo sep h into E gypt,

a n d on the o th er side the C rucifixion; both in

solid silver. T h e P u lp it is also enriched w ith figures

in solid silver o f C hrist and the E vangelists.

In th is chapel the K ings o f D enm ark are

crow ned.

F rom the w alls of the gallery are sus­

pended th e a rm s of th e different potentates, princes,

an d nobles o f E u r o p e , K nights o f the E lep h an t.

A t the end o f the gallery is the R oyal Pew , which

is decorated w ith painting s on copper o f Scripture

subjects, b eau tifu lly executed.

T he


for the

Royal Stud

are a short

distance from the castle. T h ey contain several English

th o ro u g h b red s, and a fine breed o f white horses

pecu liar to D enm ark.

F rom a w ind-m ill

( Christians Mølle

) on a

lofty em inence to the E. o f F red eriksb org fliere is

an extensive p ro sp ect tak in g in the Sound, Ilv een

island, the K ohl in Sw eden, and the ¿akes of E srom

and A rré, &c. — the finest view in Sealand.

T h e nam e o f the tow n is


, but, after

the C astle, generally called Frederiksborg.

It is

a b o u t 2 0 m iles from C openhagen, 14 from E lsinore,

an d 12 from F red erik svæ rk . — P etersen’s Hotel.

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