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carriage-hoifees, stables, and riding-house. These

buildings escaped the fire of 1T94.

O ver the p rin cip al en tran ce from the S lo tsp lads

is the follow ing in sc rip tio n :

Regiarn hanc Christianus Sextus exstruxit

incendio funesto post LIV annos vastatam

denuo erigi Christianus Septimus jussit

splendidam restituit et inter Publica vota

dicavit Fredericus Sextus MDCCCXXVIII.

on each side of which are two

b a sre lie fs

by Thor­

valdsen : Minerva and Prometheus, Hercules and

Hebe; Jupiter and Nemesis, Hisculapius and Hygsea:

and in niches on each side of - the entrance are

four colossal figures of Hercules, Minerva, vEscu-

lapius, and Nemesis; the first by Thorvaldsen, the

others from his drawings by Prof. Bissen, and

cast in metal by Dalhoff.

JEsculapius arid Hygiea are indebted to their

appearance in the

b a s r c lie f

to an amusing circum­

stance. In the list of suitable deities sent in to

Thorvaldsen was Somdhedsgudinde (Goddess of

Truth); but the Sculptor, unable to imagine any

allegorical figure satisfactory to himself by which

he could represent the Goddess,


to read the

word as Swndhedsgudinde (Goddess of Health);

and thus it was that iEsculapius and Hygsea formed

the subject of the basrelief!

Am ong the m an y su perb apartm en ts, the m ost