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S e v e r a l English T rav ellers having, a t v arious tim es,

expressed to me the w ant of a H an d-B oo k for (more

imm ediately) Copenhagen and its E nvirons, I, acting

on th eir suggestion — indeed, I m ay say, acceding

to th eir req uest — have given m y leisure tim e to

the com pilation o f such a w ork — hence the present

G uide.

T h e P u b lish e rs, M essrs. Steen and Son, have,

w ith th eir usual lib e ra lity , spared no expense in

the getting up of th e b o o k , the M aps o f which

e sp e cially , engraved expressly for it, evince how

m uch

con amove

th ey have entered into the un ­


T o those F riend s and G e n tlem en , who so

kindly lent me th eir assistance and so readily

provided me w ith inform ation in their respective

d ep artm en ts, I here beg to tender m y w arm est

th an k s: nor m ust I fail in m y acknow ledgm ents to

a Guide, in D anish, published last year.