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Munich City Guide
There are plenty of interesting places to discover Munich’s nightlife – an entertaining cultural
landscape with superior opera houses, various theatres, musical performances of any style, famous
modern ballet companies, cinemas and also, English-language film, theatre and literature features.
Below is a brief selection for a first impression:
Operas and concert halls
Bayerische Staatsoper
Bavarian State Opera
Max-Joseph-Platz 2
80539 München
Tel.: 089 - 21 85 01
089 - 21 85 19 20 (ticket sales)
www.bayerische.staatsoper.de(English version available)
, Centre of cultural Life in Munich, houses renowned culture and educational institutions
such as the Philharmonic Orchestra, City Library, Richard-Strauss-Conservatory for Music and
Singing, Adult Education Centre and Galleries.
Rosenheimer Str. 5
81677 München-Haidhausen
Tel.: 089 - 48 09 80
zentral@gasteig.deDeutsches Theater
international array of stars and shows
80339 München
Tel.: 089 - 55 23 40
089 - 5523 4444 (Ticket sales)
www.deutsches-theater.deKomödie im Bayerischen Hof
comedy in German
Promenadeplatz 6
80333 München
Tel.: 089 - 29 16 05 30
www.komoedie-muenchen.deFast Food Theaterhaus
Improvization-Theatre, interactive and fast
Oberanger 38
80331 München
Tel.: 089 - 26 02 63 74
Fax: 089 - 26 02 63 75