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during the past year, and the ready way in which

they accepted the various decisions o f the Council.

Finally, I cannot sit down without expressing

to the Secretary my appreciation o f all the help he

gave me during my year in office. Mr. Plunkett,

I think, lives and breathes for the Society, and it

is hard to imagine how we could carry on without


I now beg to move the adoption o f the annual


Mr. Louis E. O’Dea seconded the adoption of

the report, and Mr. A. S. Merrick and Mr. Alfred

Walker addressed the meeting. Mr. J. R. Halpin

pointed out that a Bar Association in County

Leitrim was founded about two years ago. The

President replied to the points raised, and the

motion having been put to the meeting, was

unanimously adopted.

The following motion was proposed by Mr. G. A.

Overend, seconded by Mr. O ’Dea, and having been

put to the meeting, was passed : “ That the follow­

ing persons be appointed to be members of the

Nomination Committee for the Cultural and

Educational Panel pursuant to Section 22 o f the

Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Act, 1947, and

that all necessary steps should be taken to give

effect thereto, and that the seal o f the Society be

affixed to all necessary documents : Messrs. Patrick

R. Boyd, Arthur Cox, Wm. J. Norman, P. F.

O’Reilly, Sean 6 hUadhaigh.”

The following resolutions were then proposed by

Mr. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Merrick :—


That the first sentence of Bye-law 3 be

deleted, and that the following be substituted


3. The annual subscriptions to the Society

shall be : For members who have been

admitted for three years and upwards,

£ 1

; for all other members, 10s.


That Bye-law 32 be amended by the deletion

of the words “ save that members who have

been admitted for upwards o f three years

paying the 10s. (country) subscription shall

not be entitled to nominate for or vote at the

election of ordinary members.”



) That Bye-law 33 be amended by deleting

the words “ (who shall have paid the one

pound subscription for the current year) ”

in the first sentence thereof.


That paragraph 5 o f the directions in the

voting paper in Schedule C be deleted.

It was decided that the next annual general

meeting of the Society should be held on Thursday,

23rd November, 1930.

Mr. Quirke suggested that the Council should

consider the revision of Bye-law 36, which fixes

the date of the ballot for the Council, having regard

to the short period intervening between that date

and the date o f the November half-yearly General

Meeting. The President stated that this would be

considered by the Council.

On the motion of Mr. Henry P. Mayne, the

President vacated the chair in favour o f Mr. Tyrrell.

Mr. Mayne then proposed a vote o f thanks

to the President for his distinguished services to

the Society during his year o f office. The Chairman

associated himself with the motion which was

put to the meeting and carried with acclamation.

The President replied. The meeting terminated.




10, 1949. The President in the chair.

Also present: Messrs. Tyrrell and Barrett, Vice-

Presidents, Messrs. W. S. Hayes, G. A. Overend,

Daniel O ’Connell, J. D. O’Connell, Reginald

J. Nolan, Thomas A. O ’Reilly, William J. Norman,

L. E. O’Dea, H. St. J. Blake, G. J. O’Donnell,

Desmond R. Counahan, James R. Quirke, Henry

P. Mayne, Patrick F. O’Reilly.

The following was among the business

transacted :—

Acquisition o f Land—Costs o f Arbitration



Council considered a report from a committee

on the subject of the costs awarded to a solicitor

for an owner o f land in proceedings under the

Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation)

Act, 1919. It was decided that the Council should

make representations to the arbitrator on the subject.

Pending the results of such representations, solicitors

are advised when appearing on behalf o f owners

on the assessment of value where lands are being

acquired, that particulars of the costs o f the owner

should be available to be submitted to the

arbitrator at the conclusion of the proceedings.

It was ordered that the attention o f the profession

should be drawn to Section 5 of the Act, particularly

to the provisions of sub-sections (4) and (5) thereof.

The Council expressed the view that the costs

which are within the discretion of the arbitrator,

under the Section, include the owner’s costs of

preparing the case to be submitted to the arbitrator

as well as the actual costs of the appearance at

the arbitration.

Valuation Office



a report from a committee, it was decided

to make representations to the Commissioner of