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At Dassault Systèmes, we’re no

longer talking about ‘internet of

things’, but rather about the ‘internet

of experiences’. Why? Because we

believe that the business of every

industry is rapidly transforming from

‘delivering compelling experiences’ –

which defines the age of experience

we have spoken of for three years

– to ‘delivering compelling and

connected experiences’, capable of

enhancing people’s lives.

Although the objects or ‘things’ we

own have ears (recording devices),

eyes (cameras), voices (speakers),

and some even have touch, this

silicon nervous system does not

send all of its information to a single

brain, but rather to far too many

brains: company platforms, city

platforms, government platforms

and individuals’ platforms, which

in the end makes my experience

cumbersome rather than enjoyable.

Applications (both business and

consumer-facing) that are single-

device, single-purpose, and run on

closed systems do not enhance our

lives. They can even be gimmicky.

The real challenge will be to

‘connect’ those brains. This is why

Dassault Systèmes is developing

powerful solutions for the internet

of experiences that permit



providers and users to see,

analyse, dashboard, program and

optimise their ‘things’ from within

one simple, visual environment.

Our solutions enable companies to

track and understand customers

specific behaviours in order to

offer meaningful and personalised


The internet of things, as it is being

built today, is an internet of smart

things that don’t always live up

to their name. When companies

that build the ‘things’ fail to meet

customer experience demands, the

internet of things is destined to

stumble and fall. On the other hand,

businesses that take an ‘experience




enhance people’s lives. They are

reaping the rewards of the internet

of experiences.

In the high tech industry, our

customers work with us on

enabling what we call High-Tech

3C Experiences: the ‘Connected’,

‘Contextual’ and ‘Continuous’


The Internet of Experience

Olivier Ribet, Dassault Systemes


Special Edition

46 l New-Tech Magazine Europe