Anatomical Chart Company Catalogue 2014 - page 63

Anatomical Charts & Posters (pages 4-26)
Anatomical Chart Collections (pages 27-30)
Anatomical Models (pages 42-57)
Gifts (page 75)
Health Education Resources (pages 39-40)
Reference Materials & Study Aids (pages 31-34)
Skeletal models
H. Classic Human Skull
• High-quality plastic reproduction of a human skull that includes sutures,
foramen and styloid processes. The calvarium is cut and jaw is on springs.
Dissects into 3 parts.
• 3B Scientific GmbH, size: 5-1/2“x 8“x 6” (14cm x 20.3cm x 15.2cm)
I. Artificial Adult Human Skull
• Life-size adult skull with removable calvarium and movable lower jaw.
Dissects into 3 parts. Made of SOMSO-Plast.
• Somso
Modelle, size: 5-1/2“x 8“x 6“ (14cm x 20.3cm x 15.2cm)
J. Female Human Skull
• Cast from natural specimen in SOMSO-Plast.
Dissects into 3 parts: calvarium,
base of skull, and mandible.
• Somso
Modelle, size: 5“x 7“x 5-1/2“ (12.7cm x 17.8cm x 14cm)
K. TMJ Skull
• Plastic skull with medial and lateral pterygoids, temporal and masseter
muscles in elastic. Relationship of temporal mandibular structures to
occlusion becomes more meaningful to both doctor and patient.
• 3B Scientific GmbH, size: 5-1/2“x 8“x 6“ (14cm x 20.3cm x 15.2cm)
L. Human Skull with Painted Musculature
• Includes sutures, foramen and styloid processes. Calvarium is cut and jaw
is on springs. One side is painted to show muscle origins in red and insertions
in blue. Dissects into 3 parts. Key card included.
• 3B Scientific GmbH, size: 5-1/2“x 8“x 6“ (14cm x 20.3cm x 15.2cm)
M. Numbered Human Skull
• High-quality plastic reproduction that includes sutures, foramen and styloid
processes. Skull is numbered. The calvarium is cut and the jaw is on springs.
Dissects into 3 parts.
• 3B Scientific GmbH, size: 5-1/2“x 8“x 6“ (14cm x 20.3cm x 15.2cm)
N. Fetal Skull
• Natural cast fetal skull. Very realistic model in a unique bone-like material.
Does not dissect.
• Size: 3“x 6“x 4“ (7.6cm x 15.2cm x 10.2cm)
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