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Bound for.


As another academic year at USD comes to a

close, we look ahead to the future with new

ideas, memories to be cherished and the

excitement of being out in the "real world".

s a n - lost one of its own. Paul Baretta, a



o t h e r Junior, was struck by a car and -- - -

a c a - killed as he crossed Linda Vista on

emic year comes to a close, we his way back to campus from the

ok back and wonder what Just Dog Patch. Baretta was a member

appened. Some of you will take of the Marine Corps Platoon Lead–

is literally, being in a daze for er Class and while he was not part

e entire year, some will want this of the USO NROTC unit, he was

ear to be forgotten and some will friends with many of the midship

herish it until they cannot re- men. Prior to Paul Baretta's tragic


death was the loss of a valued fac-

Some of us, however, will not be ulty member.

ere next year. We will be seeing

Dr. Joanne Dempsey died of

e "real world" for the first time, heart failure on November 29,

way are all the fun things, like 1990. In Sr. Betsy Walsh's words,

tudying all night at Denny's for a "Joanne had a beautiful mind and

id-term, racking your brain for a beautiful heart; her faith and va–

e name of that good looking girl lor will always be an inspiration to

r guy sitting two seats in front of those who knew her best. We will

ou, the countless guilty feelings miss her terribly, as her gift of

ou got when skipping class and grace and wisdom enriched our

e never ending papers you wrote department in a special way. "

n a Mac. But there is something Even though this kind of news

at you will actually take forward saddens our hearts, we must take

om USO, that is the will to keep it as it is. Death is and never will be

rowing, learning and changing. a pleasant experience, but we

hallenges of all kinds will con- must use it to comprehend the

ont you throughout life - spiritu- complexity of life, to understand


physical, emotional. You have ourselves and to abandon out fear

eveloped, here at USO, the of death. Because only then can

trength and experience to over- we live life to the fullest extent

ome obstacles, and to reach possible.

igtaer and higher goals. You will And so, now, the road lies be–

ave developed, here at USD, the fore us. We each step out, appar–

trength and experience to over- ently alone. But, echoing softly be–

ome obstacles, and to reach hind us, are the memories and

igher and higher goals. You will friendships from our years at USO.

lso have the ability to keep every- They will help to light and guide

hing in perspe...tive.

our way into the future.

On January


our community





