''The Beach
' '
Where students relax
oes this remind
you of anything?
The sight of the
morning sun peering
over the horizon setting
a glisten on Mission
Bay, which signaled to
hundreds of University
of San Diego students
that once again It was
going to be a day guilt–
lessly wasted at the
beach. University of San
Diego students knew
how to make the most
out of free time In
Southern California.
The students were
bound for FUN!
The usual sunny
weekends brought
many students out of hi–
bernation In their dark,
cave-like dorm rooms In
order to replenish their
The new and old styles of ex–
you can't do this!
yourself go. Whether
Many would agree you were a satisfied
that going out orJust or- freshman girl laying out
derlng pizza were better o n t h e C a m i n o /
choices for meals than Founders bridge catch–
eating at the University Ing rays, or participating
Center; especially when in sports, everyone
you were extremely made sure not to waste
hungry. After a night of a weekend. Sundays al–
drinking beer, It be- · lowed some to return to
came a tradition for their "cave" to revive
many students to fill themselves, while the
their stomachs with the more studious ones vis–
Infamous rolled tacos ited the library Just to
from Robertos. Carlos crack open a book and
Murphys and The Red stare blankly Into it in
Onion were also popu- order to tell Mom,
lar sites for the upper-
"Yeah, I was in the /J–
classmen who wanted
brary studying."
to have a happy hour the weekend was over
and forget about and it was back to a
stressfu I week of
Weekends were the classes, tests, and lec–
best. It was two days to tures.
relax and to Just let
oa! The renovated roller
coaster is one of San Diego's
newest attractions