Carrie Krueger
_ 4----JO
Is a Jot offun and work, much /Ike being
a student,"
said Paul McHale. Paul
served as the official representative of the Asso–
ciated Students which he called
"one of the
most divers/fled organizations we have to offer.,,
One of his goals was to bring concerns of the
student body to the attention of the faculty and
administration. He was ultimately responsible
for the overall welfare of this Association.
Secretary of Student
''T he
Student Issues Board Is something
that students need to be more aware of.
We've come a Jong way and we've done a Jot of
replied Carrie Krueger. Carrie served as
the Chair of the Student Issues Board. Com–
prised of herself, the remaining Executive board
members, the Secretary of Academics, Justice,
the Elections Chair, and the Senators, that was
the place where student concerns could be ad–
dressed. She has successfully maintained the
Gripe Booth and worked at attaining ex–
tended library hours. Her main goal was to in–
crease student awareness of the Student Issues
Board and to let students know that
"A.S. is
there for the student body. "