International Student Organization
membership Includes 200 people.
Black Student Union membership not avall·
Alcala Club membership Includes: Megan
Baker, Sam Balk, Oreg Barnes. Michelle
Heather Calone, Mary Jo Cefalu,
Debbie Cole, Bill Conway, Rose Conway.
Grace Cueva. Drew Nardy, Christine
11arrell. Susan tc.eane, Peter tc.eup
(president), Steve !\night, Jennifer Lanz.
Catherine LIiiy, Tanya Mallean, Meighen
Miller, Mary Ann Myers, Susan Pastor, Ron
Peterson, tc.ristln Reyes, Angela Sanabria.
Chris Sloan, Tina Strelchun, Gina Sued,
Laura Wade. and Matt Young.
American 11urnanlcs Student Association
membership includes: Suchl
Rosemary Bustamante, Maribel Casillas,
Linda Llr1strom (director), Jon Lovette.
Rosario Martinez. Paula Matteucci, Erin
Mcweeney. Rachel Nason, Laurel Shoaff.
Bonnie VIiiaiobos (president), and Andy