Are you a Contemporary Entrepreneur?
By Brian Perkins, M.B.A.
Part 2 of 3
The Core Concept of Entrepreneurship
In the first article, I shared the history of
entrepreneurship. In this article, I will continue
by examining the core concept of
The core concept of entrepreneurship is
discipline. A discipline that understands the six
dimensions of entrepreneurship: strategic
orientation, commitment to opportunity,
commitment process, control of resources,
management structure, and compensation and
reward system.
By understanding the six dimensions, a person
could gather the essence of entrepreneurship
and build their dream and vision around the
entrepreneurship to build the six dimensions
starts with you. That’s right, you the individual.
The first test is your mindset mixed with a
special personality. You cannot teach, drive,
or provide initiative or ingenuity or
individuality. You cannot teach a mindset or a
personality. You cannot teach in the
classroom the lessons learned by starting a
company with nothing more than hope, and the
ability to talk a bank official into giving you a
loan. Do you have the discipline to be a
successful entrepreneur? Out of the six
dimensions, which one(s) is/are your
strongest? Which one(s) is/are your weakest?
Part 3 will examine further the characteristics
needed to become a successful entrepreneur.
Financial Literacy and Health
By Bridge McBride, M.B.A.
Part 2 of 3
In the last article we discussed how financial stress
can impact one’s health and how important to find
balance. With today's financial climate constantly
changing, the value of investing in one's ability to
obtain balance is vital. Financial literacy is just one
component and a worthwhile investment. Today’s
climate offers a variety of opportunities. One
opportunity can be to employ someone else's
knowledge, talents, and skills to achieve one's goals.
One expert is a financial wellness or literacy coach.
This person assists one with re-training one's mindset
to achieve goals and objectives more efficiently.
Examine how financial and life coaches can enhance
lifestyles. Just as coaches propel athletes to
greatness, the same can be afforded to individuals
desiring better health, lives, and opportunities.
If one has the ability to control money and its uses and
not allow it to control them that validates the climate
of one's environment (healthy or unhealthy). So how
important is a financial wellness coach in your
situation? Are you ready to take hold of your stress
and develop the mindset for balance and better