3D dosimeters…?
radiation-induced chemical
change in a gel matrix can be
mapped in 3D using MRI or
optical CT
Figure from: Rogers & Cygler (Eds), Clinical dosimetry
measurements in radiotherapy (2009 AAPM Summer School),
Monograph No. 34, Medical Physics Publishing 2011
Figure from: Baltas, Sakelliou, Zamboglou
(Eds), The Physics of modern brachytherapy
for oncology, Taylor & Francis Books Inc,
polymer gels: Custom made with organic co-monomers
PRESAGE (Heuris Inc.): color forming leucodye (LMG) +
initiator within a polyurethane matrix (not a gel)
Radiochromic gels: FXG, tetrazolium salt, or leucodye
based (e.g. Truview/Clearview gels by Modus Medical
devices Inc.)