The massive adoption of software-
architectures has been driven by
the upsurge of new markets such as
cloud computing, big datacenters,
and mobile. In turn, SDN dramatically
pushes design complexity, size, and
port counts to new heights, posing
several challenges to stressed-out
design teams developing one of
these monster SoCs.
These challenges cannot be
addressed by traditional software-
based simulation tools, nor by formal
tools. In the billion-gate arena, only
hardware-driven verification engines
can accomplish these challenging
tasks, meet a tight schedule and
avoid fatal delays that may wipe
out potential revenues in the fast
moving networking market.
verification engines, hardware
emulation has emerged as the best
tool for pre-silicon verification. A
modern emulator provides virtually
unlimited capacity to emulate the
largest designs, offers total design
visibility and access/control without
supports high throughput, along
with fast, predictable compile and
bring-up time. It can accommodate
multiple concurrent users with
optimum utilization of resources. It
can be deployed in several modes of
operation to perform a multitude of
verification tasks.
When it comes to verifying a
networking SoC design with many
ports, design teams are moving from
a traditional in-circuit emulation (ICE)
setup to a virtual test environment,
eliminating any hardware and, with
that, all hardware dependencies,
including noise, power, cables,
reliability and associated costs.
Virtual devices can be built before
availability of actual hardware by
using a combination of software
and synthesizable hardware models,
which facilitates easy reconfigured
through this software. They run at
emulation speed, support multi-
users and multi projects, are
accessed remotely and deployed in
The virtual mode, however, requires
the creation of a virtual test
environment, a non-trivial task.
In this regard, Mentor Graphics
took the lead and developed a
comprehensive and sophisticated
VirtuaLAB, to support pre-silicon
testing of application-specific SoC
designs. For networking designs,
VirtuaLAB includes an Ethernet
Packet Generator and Monitor
Taking the Risk Out of SW-Driven Networking
Ron Squiers
38 l New-Tech Magazine Europe