Inspire Generations
Equal Opportunity Employer
Please visit
apsva.us/careersfor current administration and teaching vacancies.
Arlington Public Schools serves the citizens of Arlington,
Virginia’s geographically smallest county, located across the
Potomac River from the District of Columbia.
We educate one of the natio ’s most diverse and sophisticated student
populations – our more than
25,000 students
come from around the
world and speak more than 81 different languages.
APS operates more than 38 schools and programs.
We serve our students with a range of programs
designed to meet individual
student needs.
Inspire Generations
Arlington Public Schools • Arlington, VA
Please visit
apsva.us/careersfor current administration and teaching vacancies.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Arlington Public Schools serves the citizens of Arlington, Virginia’s
geographically smallest county, located across the Potomac River
from the District of Columbia.
We educate one of the nation’s most diverse and sophisticated
student populations - our more than
25,000 students
come from
around the world and speak more than 81 different languages.
APS operates more than 38 schools and programs.
We serve our students with a range of programs designed to
meet individual student needs.
Arlington Public Schools • Arlington, VA
Inspire G n rations
a co-educational, independent
boarding school in Exeter, New
Hampshire, has paid teaching
internships and dissertation year
fellowships available for 2016-17.
The Academy has a tradition of
excellence, and a student-centered
pedagogy known as Harkness. PEA
is an equal opportunity employer.
teaching_opportunities@exeter.educontact: Ron Kim, assistant principal
Personal and Academic Excellence Inspired by a
Collaborative and Innovative Learning Environment
Charlottesville City Schools
www.charlottesvilleschools.orgCome Teach With Us!
(See Ad p.27)