Meet Our Speakers
Dr. Stayner seeks to open up authentic dialogue between service recipients, service
providers, and community stakeholders guided by a few core goals:
accessibility and engagement with services; supporting recoveryǦfocused, whole person
centered assistance; and facilitating innovation at all system levels to promote healing,
resilience and health.
Dr. Stayner has also consulted over the past five years with community health provider
partners in Connecticut to create integrated health programs and teams (such as “Health
on Wheels”) that provide integrally combined medical, mental health and addictions
services to people who are homeless or living in underserved, “atǦrisk” communities.
David Stayner, PhD
Senior Consultant
Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health
& Assist. Clinical Professor, Yale School of Medicine
Contact: 203.687.5533
dstayner97@gmail.comCathalene Teahan, MSN, CNS, RN,
joined the
firm as a senior public affairs consultant in 2011. Ms.
Teahan is a noted expert on state budgeting, a veteran
health care lobbyist, and patient advocate. Ms. Teahan
has served on numerous state boards, commissions,
task forces, and patient advocacy working groups. She
works with the firm’s government affairs consultants
on health policy, state and federal funding, and has
served as a point person on several statewide
grassroots projects. Ms. Teahan is the founder and
executive director for the Georgia AIDS Coalition. Ms.
Teahan graduated from the University of Hawaii with
a master’s degree as a clinical nurse specialist in
psychiatric nursing.
Cathalene Teahan, MSN, CNS, RN
Government Affairs
Capitol Strategy Group
Contact: 770.435.5586