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Page Background 9.1. OVERVIEW 100 9.1.1. Business trends 100 9.1.2. Key features of AREVA’s business model 101 9.1.3. Highlights of the period 101 9.2. SITUATION AND ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES BY BUSINESS SEGMENT DURING THE YEAR 105 9.2.1. Summary of key data 106 9.2.2. Reconciliation of main aggregates of 2016 106 9.2.3. Summary data by business segment 107 9.2.4. Comparability of financial statements 107 9.2.5. Statement of income 109 9.2.6. Cash flows 111 9.2.7. Balance sheet items 114 9.2.8. Business review 116 9.3. EVENTS SUBSEQUENT TO YEAR-END CLOSING FOR 2016 119






The following comments are based on financial information for 2016 and 2015 and

must be read in conjunction with AREVA’s consolidated financial statements for

the years ended December 31, 2016 and December 31, 2015. These comments

were drafted based on the group’s consolidated financial statements, prepared in

accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by

the European Union on December 31, 2016.

Traditionally, AREVApresented business segment information by operatingBusiness

Group (BG), which is the level at which that information was examined within the

group’s governance bodies, as per the requirements of IFRS 8. However, in view

of the changes in consolidation scope contemplated in 2017 and the adoption of

IFRS 5, this division of information is no longer relevant, since the only continuing

operations of AREVA relate to the OL3 project and to the contract in the final stage

of completion in the Bioenergy operations.




The legal and financial restructuring of the group begun in 2015 continued

in 2016. It translated in particular into disposals of assets which were no longer

strategic (nuclear measurements, propulsion and research reactors, offshore wind

turbines), into the discontinuation of operations (Solar Energy, Bioenergy), and

into the constitution of two subsets of operations over which AREVA SA will no

longer exercise control at the end of the restructuring, normally expected in 2017.

Ultimately, three separate companies should exist:


New AREVA Holding, temporarily called “NewCo”, centered on the nuclear fuel

cycle and carrying in particular the operations of AREVA Mines, AREVA NC

(Front End and Back End of the fuel cycle) and AREVA BS. AREVA SA will lose

the control of NewCo once the capital increase of the latter has been completed,

planned for the first half of 2017, subject to the fulfillment of preconditions set by

the European Commission in its decision of January 10, 2017;


a company yet to be constituted and temporarily named “NewNP” combining the

operations of AREVA NP, with the exception of the OL3 contract. This company

is destined to be sold to EDF and to strategic investors during the second half

of 2017;


and lastly AREVA SA, whose mainmission after the end of the implementation of

the restructuring plan, subject to its completion, will be to complete the Olkiluoto 3

EPR reactor project (“OL3”) in Finland via its subsidiary AREVA NP with the

necessary resources and in compliance with its contractual obligations.

Consequently, pursuant to IFRS 5, the following operations are classified in

“operations sold, discontinued or held for sale” and no longer contribute to the

key financial indicators published by the group:


Nuclear fuel cycle operations: Mining, Chemistry/Enrichment, Recycling,

Dismantling and Services, and Logistics, combined within the New AREVA

Holding company (“NewCo”);


AREVA NP’s operations (excluding the OL3 contract) held for sale to EDF and

to strategic partners: Fuel, Installed Base, Large Projects (excluding OL3),

Components, Engineering, Instrumentation and Control;


Propulsion and Research Reactors operations combined in AREVA TA;


Nuclear Measurement operations combined in the Canberra company, sold

on July 1, 2016;


Wind Energy operations, which were sold, and Solar Energy operations, which

have been discontinued.


2016 AREVA