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or the past 112 years, the young women of Havergal have been

exercising their right to vote at the school. First Principal Ellen

Knox began teaching her students about the democratic system 14

years before women were given the right to vote in Ontario in 1917.

Knox believed that women could do anything they set their minds

to and that education was a preparation for an active, contributing

life. Her mission as principal was to inspire, train and indoctrinate

leaders for service in the far corners of the world; this mission

continues to inspire our students and faculty today.

The democratic system at the school began in February 1903, after

Knox established a new constitution to expand student leadership

opportunities. She introduced the idea that Upper School students

could vote for class Presidents and Vice-Presidents for each grade.

That year, Knox also appointed six Grade 12 girls as Prefects to act

as liaisons between herself and the student body. These new Prefect

positions were in addition to the group of Grade 12 students the

faculty and staff selected to be Seniors. Until the establishment of the

School Captain role in 1917 (a position also selected by faculty and

staff until 1929), the Seniors were the most powerful students in the

school and were selected carefully because of the special privileges

and authority they had.

When the House system was established school-wide in 1929, the

position of Seniors was replaced by House Prefects. That year, Upper

School students could elect one Grade 12 student per House to take

on the role of House Prefect, now called House Captains. Students

would also vote for the School Captain and Games Captain positions

for the upcoming school year.

Encouraging young women to participate in democracy was

forward-thinking for an all-girls school. However, the system

proved challenging as student election results could be easily

influenced by the heavier-weighted votes of the administration,

faculty and staff. At the time, the value of each vote was counted

as such:

• Grade 9—one

• Grade 10—two

• Grade 11—three

• Grade 12—four

• Grade 13—five

• Prefects—six

• Faculty and staff—seven

• Department Heads—eight

• Vice Principal—nine

• Principal—10

Faculty members tallied the votes. Clearly, those with the heavier-

weighted votes had the power to change the results of the election


This democratic process continued until 1983, when School Captain

Lynn Archibald and her team of Prefects decided that it was time to

change the system to make it even more democratic. “They believed

if we were to be teaching true democracy, it was important to ensure

that each person involved in the process understood it and had input

into it,” reflects Brenda Robson, Dean of Students at the time.

Democracy at Havergal—

Empowering Our Student Leaders

By Susan Pink


1941 House Prefects;


1975 House Prefects
