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4.2 Consolidated financial statements



Registration Document 2016 — Capgemini

Goodwill and intangible assets

Note 13


share in revalued net assets effectively acquired only (partial

to non-controlling interests (full goodwill method) or on the

amount of revalued net assets, including the share attributable

100%), the Group elects either to recognize goodwill on the full

remaining non-controlling interests (acquisition of less than

liabilities assumed. Where an acquisition confers control with

recognized in respect of identifiable assets acquired and

where applicable, non-controlling interests) over the net amount

Goodwill is equal to the excess of the acquisition price (plus,

transaction basis.

goodwill method). This choice is made on an individual

Goodwill balances are allocated to the different cash-generating


impairment tests) based on the value in use contributed to each

units (as defined in Note 15, Cash-generating units and asset

exercise price of the put option granted to non-controlling

Statement of Financial Position in the amount of the estimated

interests, an operating liability is recognized in the Consolidated

provides for the grant of a put option to these non-controlling

When a business combination with non-controlling interests

of the discount are also recognized through reserves. Any

option resulting from any changes in estimates or the unwinding

goodwill is recognized.

identifiable assets are not remeasured and no additional

considered a transaction with shareholders and, as such,

additional acquisitions of non-controlling interests are

interests, through a reduction in reserves. Changes in this put

Statement in “Other operating income and expense”.

negative goodwill is recognized immediately in the Income

value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, the

When the cost of a business combination is less than the fair


Statement in “Other operating income and expense” in the year

Acquisition-related costs are expensed in the Income

circumstances indicate that it may be impaired.

annually, or more frequently when events or changes in

Goodwill is not amortized but tested for impairment at least

Customer relationships

the business performed should enable the acquired entity to

customer portfolio held by the acquired entity and the nature of

On certain business combinations, where the nature of the

term of contracts held in portfolio at the acquisition date.

valued in intangible assets and amortized over the estimated

efforts to build customer loyalty, customer relationships are

continue commercial relations with its customers as a result of

Licenses and software

to five years.

effect on future results, are capitalized and amortized over three

internally and which have a positive, lasting and quantifiable

ownership basis, as well as software and solutions developed

Computer software and user rights acquired on an unrestricted


the salary costs of the staff that developed the relevant

internally are costs that relate directly to their production,


The capitalized costs of software and solutions developed