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4.4 2016 Financial statements



Registration Document 2016 — Capgemini

Statutory Auditors’ special report on related party agreements and



Shareholders’ Meeting held to approve the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2016

construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards applicable in France.

French and is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking readers. This report should be read in conjunction with, and

This is a free translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ special report on related party agreements and commitments issued in

To the Shareholders,

In our capacity as Statutory Auditors of Cap Gemini S.A., we hereby report to you on related party agreements and commitments.

commitments are appropriate and should be approved.

French Commercial Code (Code de commerce), it is the responsibility of the shareholders to determine whether the agreements and

relevance or substance or identifying any undisclosed agreements or commitments. Under the provisions of Article R.225-31 of the

and commitments that have been disclosed to us or that we may have identified as part of our engagement, without commenting on their

It is our responsibility to report to shareholders, based on the information provided to us, on the main terms and conditions of agreements

Where applicable it is also our responsibility to provide shareholders with the information required by Article R.225-31 of the French

Shareholders’ Meeting.

Commercial Code in relation to the implementation during the year of agreements and commitments already approved by the

We performed the procedures that we deemed necessary in accordance with professional standards applicable in France to such

engagements. These procedures consisted in verifying that the information given to us is consistent with the underlying documents.

Agreements and commitments to be submitted for the approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting

Agreements and commitments authorized during the year

approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting pursuant to Article L.225-38 of the French Commercial Code.

We hereby inform you that we have not been advised of any agreement or commitment authorized during the year to be submitted for the

Agreements and commitments already approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting


greements and commitments approved in prior years but not implemented during the year

previously approved by Shareholders’ Meetings in prior years, have remained in force during the year.

Pursuant to Article R.225-30 of the French Commercial Code, we have been informed that the following agreements and commitments,

Supplementary collective pension scheme for Paul Hermelin (CEO)


beneficiary of this plan since the April 10, 2007 Shareholders' Meeting.

having made a significant and lasting contribution to the development of the Capgemini Group. Paul Hermelin has been registered as a

A supplementary collective defined benefit pension scheme set up by the Company in favor of certain senior executives regarded as

Purpose and terms and conditions:

capped at 60 times the annual ceiling for social security contributions.

their reference earnings. The beneficiary’s total cumulative pension benefits may not exceed 50% of the reference earnings which are

senior executives of the Group, enabling them to obtain, upon their retirement, a supplementary pension that may not exceed 40% of

On December 13, 2006, the Board of Directors authorized the creation of a collective defined benefit pension scheme in favor of certain

October 31, 2015, without consideration, hence a change in the Company’s favor.

The July 29, 2015 Board of Directors' Meeting decided to freeze Paul Hermelin's rights under this supplementary scheme, effective from

On December 7, 2016, the Board of Directors took due note that this agreement had been submitted to it to be reexamined.

Paul Hermelin did not receive any remuneration under this agreement in 2016.

The Statutory Auditors

Neuilly-sur-Seine, February 24, 2017

Paris La Défense, February 24, 2017

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit

KPMG Audit

Department of KPMG S.A.

Françoise Garnier


Richard Béjot


Frédéric Quélin
