Annex 3
Additional Information on
Capacity Booking Platforms
Image courtesy of Elering
The implementation of the NC CAM provisions involves the auc-
tioning of bundled capacity products at all IPs within the European
Union. To be CAM NC-compliant, all auctions should follow the
rules specified in the Network Code. Auctions are run on booking
platforms, which enable Network Users to book capacity for IPs
connecting market areas, based on the choice of the respective
TSOs about which platform to use.
As of January 2017, all relevant TSOs are con-
nected to a booking platform. There is only one
TSO that has not yet been connected: Amber
Grid (LT), however, is the only TSO IP whose
Member State has been granted derogation.
There are only two IPs for which no agreement
on a booking platform has been reached so far.
They are at the German-Polish border. Regard-
ing the Austrian-Hungarian border, the adjacent
TSOs, FGSZ and GCA, reached an agreement in
December 2016 to start a pilot project to allocate
yearly capacities at the Mosonmagyaróvár IP
(AT>HU) on RBP in March/April 2017 in com-
pliance with the CAM NC. A project related to
the automated connection is currently ongoing.
As soon as this project becomes finalised, all
products concerning the Mosonmagyaróvár IP
will be auctioned via RBP.
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ENTSOG CAM NC Monitoring Report 2016