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(d) the repeal of section 140 of the Grand Jury

(Ireland) Act 1836 which allowed applicants to

claim against the local authorities of several areas

where the damage arose within one mile of a

county boundary. The disappearance of these

'verge' applications against several local

authorities is matched - in section 10 - by the

retention of the right of a respondent local

authority to join another local authority in the

proceedings. It may well do so when the damage

feasor resides in the area of another local


The local authorities will be less happy with:

(1) the extension of the definition of damage

maliciously caused, which extension reverses the

type of court finding typified by

Wexford Timber



Wexford Corporation

( S.C.) 88 ILTR 137;

(2) the disappearance of all the fine distinctions

between types of property and whether the causing

of the damage constituted a crime punished on

indictment or summarily depending on the

application of different sections of the Malicious

Damage Act, 1861;

(3) the extension of compensation to cover damage to

property within an harbour or within one mile

beyond the coastal boundary of the local authority

area, and the unlawful taking of property from

within an harbour or such one mile.


Pending issue of Rules of Court in accordance with

Section 14 of the Act, a claim for malicious damage

caused on or after 6th November 1981 cannot be

brought before the District Court and all the

practitioner can do is to serve the Preliminary Notice.

Despite the latitude in the framing of the Circuit Court

forms allowed by order 59 Rule 5 of the Circuit Court

Rules 1950, practitioners will probably defer lodging a

Final Notice where the claim exceeds £2,500 and await

the new Rules of the Circuit Court. It may be that the

Rules of Court will have appeared before this article in

which event this cautionary note may be ignored. •


At its January meeting the Council

of the Society, on the proposal of the

President, Mr. W. Brendan Allen,

unanimously adopted a vote of sym-

pathy to Mrs. Moya Quinlan, Presi-

dent of the Society for the preceding

year, 1980/81, on the sudden death

of her husband, Michael, on 21

December, 1981. The meeting stood

in silence to his memory.

Requisitions on Title -

1981 Edition


Printing Error — Requisition 21

The last paragraph of Requisition 21 reads "furnish a

Certificate under paragraph 11 (6) of the fourth

schedule of the Capital Gains Tax Act 1975".

This should of course have read "furnish a Certificate

under Section 48 of the Capital Acquisitions Tax Act


The Society had not made any alteration to the text of

this requisition and the error arose in the printing.


Sales on foot of contracts entered into before 1st

April 1978

In the 1979 Edition of the Society's Requisitions on

Title the following requisition was included at No. 20.

"(a) Where the contract for sale or mortgage was

entered into prior to the 1st day of April 1978.


State the name, date of death of any person on the

title who died prior to the 1st day of April 1975,

and within 12 years of the date of this sale.

(b) Where the contract for sale or mortgage was

entered into on or after the 1st day of April 1978.


State the name and date of death of any person on

the title who died prior to the 1st day of April

1975, and within 6 years of the date of this sale.

(c) Furnish a Certificate of discharge from estate and

succession duties and any other duties which may

be a charge on the property on any such death."

In the note drawing the attention of the profession to

the revisions in the requisitions we said that Requisitions

20 and 21 of the 1979 Edition of the Requisitions had

become obsolete. This may not be entirely correct in so

far as Requisition 20 is concerned as the Tax implica-

tions still apply in respect of any transactions now going

through on foot of contract entered into before the 1st

April 1978. It did seem to the Committee to be no longer

relevant in standard requisitions as cases in which

members would be raising requisitions now on foot of a

contract entered into before the 1st April 1978 would be

too rare. It has been decided to include this note in the

Gazette to draw the attention of the profession to the

full position.



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