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Tehran Convention Work One of the main activities of 2015 focused on the establishment of the Permanent Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (Tehran Convention) in Baku, Azerbaijanand the preparationof the6thConference of the Parties (COP6). The Second and Third Preparatory Committee meetings for COP6 of the Tehran Convention were held in June and November in Baku, Azerbaijan. The meetings were attended by representatives of all five Caspian states, and co-chaired by Convention Secretariat staff employed through GRID-Arendal. Reports and Publications GRID-Arendal, UNEP, the Southern Africa Regional Environmental Programme, and the Okavango River Basin Commission Secretariat undertook a study on the value of ecosystem services in the Okavango River Basin. The study produced a detailed story map that locates some of the ecosystem goods and services found in the basin, including food, freshwater, wildlife habitat, groundwater recharge. The study also identifies threats arising from natural causes and human activities. Praised by project partners as an innovative way of communicating, the story map builds a case for the need of a Payment for Ecosystem Services 11 approach as a way of ensuring harmony in the way resources of the basin aremanaged and accessed by the three riparian countries – Angola, Botswana and Namibia.

A draft copy of the Limpopo River Basin Atlas has been

compiled together with a sub-contractor, where GRID-

Arendal has identified data needs for the atlas. GRID-

Arendal is working with the University of Eduardo

Mondlane in Mozambique to assemble datasets to

analyse and visualise the vulnerability of the basin to the

impacts of climate change.

Significant progress has been made on the Lake Victoria

Basin Atlas, including production of a first draft set of

satellite imagery on various sites in the basin where

significant environmental change has occurred. Analysis

of the satellite imagery was supported by GRID-Arendal

with help from UNEP. Local experts were trained

to develop and analyse images that show change in

the region.

A draft paper on the Impact of Large-scale Land Investments in Africa was prepared and submitted to the Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA). The paper is now being considered for publication in the organisation’s journal. Preparation of the paper was jointly funded by MoFA and CODESRIA and additional support was provided through Noragric (International Environment and Development Studies), which seconded a student intern to GRID-Arendal to undertake field research in Tanzania and draft a report.

Lake Chilwa in 1990 and 2013. Through satellite imagery such as the above, the Transboundary Waters programme provides evidence based

assessments of changes in the state of the environment. Credit: USGS