We also invoke Sinon’s
, which patches out the
browser’s Ajax capabilities.
There’s one more bit of boilerplate: we tell Sinon to take any Ajax requests and
put them into the
array, so that we can inspect them in our tests.
Finally we have the cleanup—we “reset” the mock for the
function in
between each test (otherwise calls from one test would show up in others).
And we put the JavaScript
back to the way we found it.
That lets us rewrite our two tests to be much shorter:
accounts/static/tests/tests.html (ch15l046).
test("initialize calls navigator.id.watch", function () {
Superlists.Accounts.initialize(mockNavigator, user, token, urls);
equal(mockNavigator.id.watch.calledOnce, true, 'check watch function called');
test("watch sees current user", function () {
Superlists.Accounts.initialize(mockNavigator, user, token, urls);
var watchCallArgs = mockNavigator.id.watch.firstCall.args[0];
equal(watchCallArgs.loggedInUser, user, 'check user');
And they still pass, but their name is neatly prefixed with our module name:
4 assertions of 4 passed, 0 failed.
1. initialize binds sign in button to navigator.id.request (0, 2, 2)
2. navigator.id.watch tests: initialize calls navigator.id.watch (0, 1, 1)
3. navigator.id.watch tests: watch sees current user (0, 1, 1)
And here’s how we test the
accounts/static/tests/tests.html (ch15l047).
test("onlogin does ajax post to login url", function () {
Superlists.Accounts.initialize(mockNavigator, user, token, urls);
var onloginCallback = mockNavigator.id.watch.firstCall.args[0].onlogin; //
onloginCallback(); //
equal(requests.length, 1, 'check ajax request'); //
equal(requests[0].method, 'POST');
equal(requests[0].url, urls.login, 'check url');
test("onlogin sends assertion with csrf token", function () {
Superlists.Accounts.initialize(mockNavigator, user, token, urls);
var onloginCallback = mockNavigator.id.watch.firstCall.args[0].onlogin;
var assertion = 'browser-id assertion';
$.param({ assertion: assertion, csrfmiddlewaretoken: token }), //
Chapter 15: User Authentication, Integrating Third-Party Plugins, and Mocking with JavaScript