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— Vagrant

• Think through deployment painpoints: the database, static files, dependencies, how

to customise settings, etc.

• Build a CI server as soon as possible, so that you don’t have to rely on self-discipline

to see the tests run.

Relevant chapters:

Chapter 8


Chapter 9 , Chapter 20 , Appendix C

General Testing Best Practices

• Each test should test one thing.

• One test file per application code source file.

• Consider at least a placeholder test for every function and class, no matter how


• “Don’t test constants”.

• Try to test behaviour rather than implementation.

• Try to think beyond the charmed path through the code, and think through edge

cases and error cases.

Relevant chapters:

Chapter 4


Chapter 10 , Chapter 11

Selenium/Functional Testing Best Practices

• Use explicit rather than implicit waits, and the interaction/wait pattern.

• Avoid duplication of test code—helper methods in base class, or Page pattern are

one way to go.

• Avoid double-testing functionality. If you have a test that covers a time-consuming

process (eg, login), consider ways of skipping it in other tests (but be aware of

unexpected interactions between seemingly unrelated bits of functionality).

• Look into BDD tools as another way of structuring your FTs.

Relevant chapters:

Chapter 17


Chapter 20 , Chapter 21

General Testing Best Practices
