SEP / OCT 2016
Niche Group Auto Re-qualification
All Niche Group Members that have qualified for the niche group program as at
December 31, 2015 will be automatically re-qualified to their respective niche
group status and continue to enjoy all the special Niche Group privileges until
December 31, 2019. This applies also to all new Niche Group Members that qualify
in 2016. This is our way of thanking you for your tremendous support to The Club.
We look forward to your continued support during The Club’s redevelopment.
Cards Renewal
In line with The Club’s security measures, we will be replacing the current
membership cards with a brand new design for all Members, including our Junior
Members, in December. This is a great time to update photos of yourself and
your family. Members who choose not to update their photos will have their new
cards printed with the existing photos we have on file.
If you would like us to use updated photos for your membership card(s), please
drop the passport photo(s) off at the Concierge or Membership Office by
December 15, 2016. Do remember to write your name and membership number
at the back of your photo. If you do not have passport photos readily available
for this purpose, please visit the Membership Office by December 15 to have
your photo(s) taken by our staff.