MAY / JUN 2017
YOUTH Superheroes Party Calling all Superheroes, the world is in trouble and we need you to save it! Dress up in your favorite superhero costume and have a power packed time at the party. Sunday, May 7 The Zone 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Member Child: $35 Member Adult: $12 Guest Child: $40 Guest Adult: $17 Highlights: Game booths, tattoo corner, obstacle course Recommended for 8-year-olds and under The computers at the Chill-out Zone will not be available for usage during the party; the arcade and Wii machines will be available for usage at the Zone studio.For more information or to sign up, ple
ase drop by The Zone, call the Youth Desk at 6739-4313
or email
Live out your go-kart fantasies with our Mario Kart race! Gather your friends for a thrilling race event and you might just emerge as this year’s champion. Saturday, May 20 The Zone 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Member Child: $40 Guest Child: $45 Recommended for 6-year-olds and under Minimum of 8 participants for event to commence For more information or to sign up, please call the Zoneat 6739-4413 or email
Mario Kart