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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Annual Report.

The draft Annual Report of the Council

was considered and adopted.

November 15th.

The late Mr. John A. French.

A resolution was passed expressing the

regret of the Council at the death of Mr. John

A. French, a past President, and expressing

the sympathy of

the Council with Mrs.

French in her bereavement.

Measuring Costs.

A letter was read from a member of the

profession drawing attention to a case in

which Counsel for defendant on a remitting

motion, which was refused with costs, applied

to have the costs of the motion measured by

the Court, without giving any special reasons,

and not having been instructed to make such

application. It was resolved to communicate

with the defendant's Solicitor and with the

Bar Council on the matter.


Extra-Ordinary Members.

A letter was read from the Northern Law

Society submitting the names of the following

members of

that Society

to be Extra-

Ordinary Members of the Council :—Mr. G.

H. Quarry, Mr. Joseph Alien, Mr. C. W.

Black, Mr. J. D. Coates, and Mr. J. L.


A letter was read from the Southern Law

Association submitting the names of the

following members of that Association to be

Extra-Ordinary Members of the Council :—

Mr. W. Guest Lane, Mr. B. C. Galvin, Mr.

W. H. Corker, Mr. A. Julian, and Mr. W. B.


The ten members nominated were declared

duly elected as

the ten Extra-Ordinary

Members of the Council for the year ending

26th November, 1917.

Registry of Deeds Fees.

It was


to request

the Chief

Secretary to receive a deputation from the

Council to discuss the Treasury Order of

30th October, 1916, altering the fees payable

in the Registry of Deeds Office.

Land Commission.

The President reported that, as requested

by the Council, he had interviewed the

Assistant Secretary of the Land Commission

on the subject of the delay in obtaining the

consent of the Land Commission to sub

divisions of holdings, with the result, that it

is hoped that these delays will disappear in

the near future.

Council Meetings.

MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon

the following dates :—

January 17th and 31st.

February 14th and 28th.

Committee Meetings.

THE following Committee Meetings were held

during November :—

Gazette, 6th.

Privileges, 13th.

Costs, 24th.


MR. HENRY ST. P. WALSH, Solicitor, died


the 4th November,


at his

residence, Derrybeg, Tralee.

Mr. Walsh served his apprenticeship with


Francis C. Downing, Tralee, was


in Hilary Sittings,



practised at Tralee.

MR. THOMAS RICE, Solicitor, died upon the

7th November,


at his


Clondulane House, Fermoy.

Mr. Rice served his apprenticeship with

the late Mr. Richard Carroll, Fermoy, was


in Trinity- Term,,



practised in partnership with Mr. Anthony

Carroll (under the style of Messrs. Rice and

Carroll) at Fermoy, up to the year 1905, when

he retired.