Beowulf—
Ale
—
Beer—
Mead
—
English
Wine
—
The
Mead
Hall
Drinking
Horns
—
Tosti
and
Harold
—
Pigment,
etc.
—
The
Clergy,
etc.,
drinking
—
Northern
Wine
drinking
—
King
Hund-
ing
—
Brewing
—
Strange
Drinking
Vessels,
and
their
Use
—
Punishment
of
Drunkards.
f^o"^
the
north,
being
lured
to
the
south
with
visions
of
plunder
and
luxury,
came
the
Danish
and
Norwegian
Vikings,
and,
as
England
was
the
nearest
to
them,
she
received
an
early
visit.
With
them
they
brought
their
habit
of
deep
drinking,
which
was
scarcely
needed,
as
on
that
score
the
then
inhabitants
of
England
could
pretty
well
hold
their
own.
Their
liquors
seem
to
have
been
ale,
ealu,
beer,
heor,
wine,
win,
and
mead,
medo.
There
was
a
difference
between
those
that
drank
ale
and
those
that
drank
beer,
as
we
find
in
Beowulf^
:
*
Line
964,
etc.