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time during the final exam period.

Honors Program

Dr Rob Merritt, Director of the Honors Program

Office: Rish Hall, Ground Floor (ext. 4270)

The Bluefield College Honors Program is an interdisciplinary curriculum that provides a

stimulating academic environment and intellectual challenge for highly motivated students.

Students who complete all elements of the Honors Program will receive the designation,

“Honors in ______,” inscribed on their transcripts and be recognized as first graduates in the

commencement ceremony. The Honors Program, includes:

exclusive, small specially focused general education seminars and

attend regional and national Honors conferences

participate in an interdisciplinary junior seminar which integrates various areas

of knowledge culminating in a significant research project in any area of your


A limited number of scholarships are available to qualified students.

Admission to the Program

Incoming Freshmen: ACT score of 25 or SAT score of 1100 or eligibility for

Presidential Scholarship. Submission of an application essay. For more information visit


Six Honors General Education courses:

chosen from English, Social Science, History,

Communications, Fine Arts, Christian Studies, Natural Science (w/ lab), and Health: 18

Hours (or 19 w/ lab science).

Honors Freshman Seminar:

1 Hour: small, intellectually stimulating class taught by a

distinguished faculty member emphasizing critical interpretation and oral and written

communication focused on a variety of stimulating topics concerning what it means to be


Honors Junior Seminar:

3 Hours: In-depth interdisciplinary investigation of an issues in

students’ majors culminating in a term project of the students’ design.

Honors Senior Seminar:

1 Hour: Discussion of a jointly agreed upon “Great Book”

Global Education,

Dr. Maria Zalduanalo, Director of Global Education

Office: Lansdell 301C (ex. 4271)


Bluefield College is a member of the CAPA International Education



provides semester abroad study opportunities in London, UK; Dublin, Ireland: Florence,

Italy; Sydney, Australia; Madrid, Spain, and Beijing, China  Students have the opportunity

to take a variety of courses with faculty members of the cooperating institutions as well as

from qualified professors from the host country. Additionally, Bluefield College is aligned

with Consortium for Global Education (CGE). Through this program students can study

abroad in various areas of interest, with short and long-term opportunities, especially as they

relate to the learning of the Arabic and Chinese languages(


CGE currently offers study abroad experiences in Jordan, Australia, Lithuania, Lebanon,

Greece, and Argentina. Our affiliation with the Council for Christian Colleges and

Universities’ BESTEMESTER program, affords students semester study broad experience

in India, Costa Rica, and Uganda. Bluefield College also offers enrichment/learning