Phase I: Hypofrac0onated Proton Radia0on Therapy with Concurrent Chemotherapy*
Arm 1: 60 CGE at 2.5 CGE/frac0on for 24 frac0ons
Arm 2: 60 CGE at 3 CGE/frac0on for 20 frac0ons
Arm 3: 60 CGE at 3.53 CGE/frac0on for 17 frac0ons
Arm 4: 60 CGE at 4 CGE/frac0on for 15 frac0ons
Phase II: Hypofrac0onated Proton Radia0on Therapy with Concurrent Chemotherapy* based on
the Maximum Dose Tolerated (MDT) of Phase I
*Chemotherapy is required
Suggested regimen: concurrent weekly paclitaxel at 45 mg/m2 and carbopla0n at AUC 2
mg/min/ml. Op0onal adjuvant chemotherapy is acceptable
University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute
A Phase I/II Study of Hypofractionated Proton Therapy for Stage II-III Non-Small
Cell Lung Cancer
(status: open at UFPTI, opened multi-centric via PCG)