2014 ERP New Member Book - page 16

AOAC INTERNATIONALPolicyon theUse of theAssociationName,
Initials, Identifying Insignia, Letterhead, andBusinessCards
Page 2
Policyon the use of theAssociation's name and logo is established by theAOACBoard of
Directors as follows:
“TheBoard approves and encourages reference to theAssociation byname, either as
AOAC INTERNATIONALor asAOAC; or reference to our registered trademark,
AOAC®, in appropriate settings todescribe our programs, products, etc., in scientific
literature and other instances so long as the reference is fair, accurate, complete and
truthful anddoes not indicate or implyunauthorized endorsement of anykind.
The insignia (logo) ofAOAC INTERNATIONAL is a registered trade and servicemark
and shall not be reproducedor used by anypersonor organization other than the
Association, its elected and appointed officers, sections, or committees, without the prior
writtenpermissionof theAssociation. Those authorized to use theAOAC
INTERNATIONAL insignia shall use it only for the purposes forwhich permission has
been specificallygranted.
The name and insignia of theAssociation shall not be used by anyperson or organization
in anywaywhich indicates, tends to indicate, or impliesAOACofficial endorsement of
anyproduct, service, program, company, organization, event or person, endorsement of
which, has not been authorized by theAssociation, orwhich suggests thatmembership in
theAssociation is available to anyorganization.”
TheExecutiveDirector, in accordancewith the above statedpolicy, is authorized toprocess,
approve, fix rules, andmake availablematerials containing theAssociationname and insignia.
It shouldbe noted that neither theAssociation's name nor its insignia nor part of its insigniamay
be incorporated into anypersonal, company, organization, or anyother stationeryother than that
of theAssociation; normay any statement be included in the printed portionof such stationery
which states or implies that an individual, company, or other organization is aMember of the
Reproductionor use of theAssociation name or insignia requires prior approval by the
ExecutiveDirector or his designate.
Association insignia shouldnot be altered in anymannerwithout approval of the
ExecutiveDirector or his designate, except tobe enlarged or reduced in their entirety.
Artwork for reproducing theAssociation name or insignia, including those incorporating
approved alterations, will be provided on request to those authorized touse them (make
such requests to theAOACMarketingDepartment). Examples of the types of alterations
that wouldbe approved are inclusionof a sectionname in or the addition of anofficer's
name and address to the letterhead insignia.
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