2014 ERP New Member Book - page 24

4. Sponsorship of a collaborative studyby an interest (whichmay include the referee)which stands to
profit from the results; such sponsorshipusually involving the privilege granted by the investigator
to permit the sponsor to review and comment upon the results prior toAOAC evaluation.
5. Avolunteer asked to review amanuscript submitted for publicationwhen themanuscript contains
informationwhich is critical of a proprietaryor other interest of the reviewer.
The foregoing are intended as illustrative and shouldnot be interpreted to be all-inclusive examples
of conflicts of interest AOACvolunteersmay find themselves involved in.
Do's andDon’ts
Do avoid the appearance aswell as the fact of a conflict of interest.
Domakewrittendisclosure of anymaterial interest whichmay constitute a conflict of interest or the
appearance of a conflict of interest.
Do not accept payment or gifts for services rendered as a volunteer of theAssociationwithout disclosing
such payment or gifts.
Do not vote on any issue before anAOACdecision-makingbodywhere you have the appearance of or an
actual conflict of interest regarding the recommendation or decisionbefore that body.
Do not participate in anAOACdecision-makingbodywithout writtendisclosure of actual or potential
conflicts of interest in the issues before that body.
Do not accept a positionof responsibility as anAOACvolunteer, without disclosure, where the discharge
of the accepted responsibilitywill be ormay appear to be influencedbyproprietaryor other conflicting
Each volunteer electedor appointed to anAOACposition of responsibility shall be sent, at the time of
election or appointment, a copyof this policy and shall be advisedof the requirement to adhere to the
provisions herein as a condition for active participation in the business of theAssociation. Each
volunteer, at the time of his or her election or appointment, shall indicate, inwriting, on a formprovided
for this purpose byAOAC, that he or she has read and accepts this policy.
Each year, at the springmeetingof theAOACBoard ofDirectors, theExecutiveDirector shall submit a
report certifying the requirements of this policyhave beenmet; including the names and positions of any
elected or appointedvolunteerswhohave not at that time indicated inwriting that theyhave accepted the
Anyonewithknowledge of specific instances inwhich the provisions of this policyhave not been
compliedwith shall report these instances to theBoard ofDirectors, via theOffice of theExecutive
Director, as soon as discovered.
* * * * * *
Adopted: March2, 1989
Revised: March28, 1990
Revised: October 1996
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