About the Author
Sara James
is a writer and blogger. She writes educational books
for children on a variety of topics, including health, history, and current
Picture Credits
6: Laiotz
8: spiritofamerica
12: jo
18: Paweł CYGAN
20: Rafael Ben-Ari
22: Christopher Dodge
24: Andrea Izzotti
30: Mi.Ti.
32: Forster Forest
34: dobri71
35: Photographee.eu
36: Scott Griessel
38: Food photo
40: ponsulak
44: Krzysztof Wiktor
46: lunamarina
47: Andrea Izzotti
48: Pavel Losevsky
50: Africa Studio
52: Forster Forest
53: Ingo Bartussek
54: monamakela.com
55: marcovarro
56: Daniele Pietrobelli
41: Archives of American Art