Twitter Feed
A live Twitter feed from IASA is directly under the Rotating Photos. Click on the Follow
button to follow IASA@IllinoisASA. In addition, other education related tweets may be
re-tweeted here as well.
Upcoming Events
A calendar of Upcoming Events is also located directly under the Rotating Photos.
The calendar will always default to the current date. You can click on any of the
links for additional information. Click on View Calendar at the bottom to see the
current month’s view with the ability to go to other months as well. You can click
on these items as well for additional information.
Quick Links
If you are looking for a specific item on the IASA website, Quick Links will take you directly
to any of the following links: IPAC, Superintendent’s Corner, SB
Performance Rankings Tool, Principal Evaluation Tool, iPad Teacher
Observation Tool, Illinois Schools Employee Benefits Consortium,
Site Icons
Directly above IASA News you will find another set of menu items.
These include Sign Out, Edit Account Settings and My Passkeys.
Contact icons
Small icons across the top of the Rotating Photos will give you
access to different Contact information. If you hover your mouse
over the icon, it will tell you what each of them is. From left to
right, RSS, Contact information including IASA staff, IASA Calendar of events with links, IASA Twitter feed.